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The Encyclopenergy is a crowd-open-sourced encyclopedia of energy efficiency enablers for buildings renovation and construction. It is a crowdsourced global catalogue of financing tools, business models, and regulatory frameworks enabling regenerative, adaptive and nature based solutions for the built environment.
A crowd-open-sourced encyclopedia of energy efficiency enablers.
The encyclopenergy has a mission to create a contributor-based intelligence repository of worldwide financing solutions, business models, policy and regulatory frameworks which enable, empower, and scale energy efficiency in the real-estate industry to offer a free knowledge network of enablers to support the scaling of decarbonisation pathways for the global built environment.
The encyclopenergy was developed within the EU Green Deal project ARV – Climate Positive Circular Communities (CPCCs). The overall aim of the ARV project is to boost the building renovation rate and to enable rapid and widescale deployment of CPCCs around Europe. ARV will facilitate a fast market uptake and cost-efficient replication of the CPCC concept, and thus significantly contribute to the full decarbonisation of Europe by 2050.

About Encyclopenergy
The encyclopenergy germinated from the ARV – Climate Positive Circular Communities project which is funded by the European Green Deal initiative as an Innovation Action within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (ID: 101036723).

Encyclopenergy is a crowdsourced global catalogue of financing tools, business models, and regulatory frameworks enabling energy efficient solutions for the built environment.

The encyclopenergy dictionary supports the encylopedia by listing words of the built environment jargon and provides their meaning as they are perceived in the field.